Directions for use for Mr. Eats-It Dust Cleaner & Eliminator


Mix with lukewarm water. DO NOT mix with other cleaning agents.

DOSAGE: Offices/Schools/Institutions/Nursing Homes/ Shopping Malls, etc.

  • Mix 2% or 2.50 oz per gallon when used 1-2 times per week

  • Mix 1% or 1.30 oz per gallon when used 3-5 times per week

Industrial Flooring & Warehouses:

  • Mix 3% or 3.80 oz per gallon when used 1-2 times per week

  • Mix 2% or 1.30 oz per gallon when used 3-5 times per week


In a mop bucket or floor scrubbing machine was the surface in the direction of the floor’s length. If using a mop and the floor is extremely dirty its best to have two mop buckets. A bucket with the cleaning solution and a bucket to wring the mop into. It is important that no water is left on the floor after washing.

If too much FDCE has been dosed (used) the floor may feel sticky. This can be washed off easily with clean water.