Cleaning Railroad Pits

Recently, at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Locomotive Repair Shop in Lincoln, Nebraska, Mr. Surface was used to clean and remediate the dirt, oils and fuel so a non-slip coating could be applied.

This pit restoration project work was completed by Utility Maintenance Contractors out of Wichita, Kansas.

Mr. Surface was spray applied and scrubbed in and allowed to remain for two hours before it was rinsed away with water to assure that the surface and the pours of the concrete were clean and free of contaminants.

After the preparation completed using Mr. Surface, the pit was ready to be coated. The photos below show the pit before application, the test, the cleaned area and the coated pit.

Please go to Products and Remediation, and read our pages describing Mr. Surface and how it works!


Groundbreaking Cleaning for Elevator Pits!